In the INTERREG VI B project “IB-Green”, 11 project partners from Northwest Europe are developing strategies and climate adaptation measures for dealing with climate change in industrial and business parks until 2026. The aim is to reduce heat stress through green-blue infrastructures and thus contributing to healthier working and living conditions as well as lower climatic and economic risks for companies and municipalities.

The kick-off meeting of the project took place on 12 and 13 September 2023 at Schloss Biebrich in Wiesbaden. The project partners from Belgium, Germany, France, Ireland, Luxembourg and the Netherlands presented their planned activities. They discussed analytical methods and conditions for a practicable development of green-blue infrastructures in industrial and business parks in the different regions. The meeting laid the basis for the upcoming project work and first milestones and dates were agreed upon.

INFRASTRUKTUR & Umwelt Professor Böhm und Partner (IU) supports the project in coordinating the content of the project tasks as well as in financial and project management. IU works closely with the project partners to implement the ongoing activities of the partnership and to support and coordinate the transnational meetings.