On 18 May 2022, the final conference of the RegEnergy project was successfully hosted at Océanopolis in Brest, France. 110 participants, including local and regional politicians, representatives of energy associations, renewable energy professionals and academics, gained insight into the solutions and challenges European actors face in building partnerships for renewable energy. The event offered the opportunity to exchange and network with national and European actors in the energy transition. In lively roundtable discussions, experts from North-West Europe addressed the topics of urban-rural cooperation to achieve the EU’s energy savings targets, renewable energy partnerships and the integration of local authorities and citizens in the energy transition.

Stefanie Weiner from INFRASTRUKTUR und UMWELT Professor Böhm und Partner (IU) moderated the roundtable with a focus on Renewable Energy Partnerships. IU supports the project in coordinating the content of the project tasks as well as in financial and project management. In close cooperation with the lead partner Climate Alliance and the organiser Brest métropole, IU prepared the topics of the event. More information on the project is available here: RegEnergy – Renewable Energy Regions | Interreg NWE (nweurope.eu)